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Primary Stage / Section


The approach at the primary stage is child centered. It is development oriented and emphasizes the child's interaction with his/ her environment. the main objectives at this level are the development of the social, linguistic, physical and moral skills, creative expression, aesthetic and cognitive skills. Students are assessed on the basis of work sheets done in the class using the play way method.A thematic approach is designed to stimulate children through various interactive sessions and activities. Innovative contemporary concepts are projected and reinforced through various subjects. A blend of mass participation along with ans emphasis on strong sense of individuality is stressed upon. We believe in a system of continuous assessment.

Middle Stage / Section

The emphasis at middle school besides following the NCERT guidelines, is on developing the right study habits and securing inepth knowledge of the subject. The curriculum is research oriented, based on teamwork. The selection of matter and presentation are given utmost importance. Personality development, value education and coping with peer pressure are stressed upon at this stage.

About Us

St. Mary’s Charitable and Educational Society was formed and registered in the year 2003 under the Society’s Act 1860 with a view to provide quality education and encourage the students to develop skills and attitude that can equip them to face the competitive world with confidence. The Nursery School started in 1996 in the name of St. Mary which is now functioning in four places as one school - St Mary's School Rangat ,St Mary's School Mayabunder

St Mary's School Betapur, St Mary's School Diglipur.

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