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Admission and withdrawal

1. Those seeking admission shall take note of the following:

a) The candidates must have attained the age of 3+ for Nursery by 1st April of the year of admission.

b) Registration form should be accompanied by an attested copy of the Birth Certificate of the child.

c) A student seeking admission from an affiliated and recognized school should produce a T.C. and Character certificate with a clear mention of date of birth.

d) The date of birth once registered can not be altered.

2. The Management reserves the right to regulate the admission to the school, by its own system of evaluation.

3. Students seeking admission in higher classes will have to take an entrance test based on the syllabus of the previous class and the selection will be made on the basis of evaluation and interview.

4. Only on the submission of TC and Character Certificate from the previous school attended and the latest progress report from the school, the admission will be confirmed.

5. Prescribed application (Annexed) for TC should reach the Principal three days before 100/- will be collected towards the fee for TC. The Student should clear all the dues and remitted the fee as per direction from the office for issue the same.

6. One the fee is paid it is Non Refundable

(This is applicable even to the advance fees paid).

About Us

St. Mary’s Charitable and Educational Society was formed and registered in the year 2003 under the Society’s Act 1860 with a view to provide quality education and encourage the students to develop skills and attitude that can equip them to face the competitive world with confidence. The Nursery School started in 1996 in the name of St. Mary which is now functioning in four places as one school - St Mary's School Rangat ,St Mary's School Mayabunder

St Mary's School Betapur, St Mary's School Diglipur.

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Copyright 2021 @All Rights Reserved St'mary's School Rangat , Developed  by Abhinav. B. NAIR

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