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School Fees

Fees are payable in advance for the whole year. Fees must be Paid on or before 12th of every month. Beyond 12th of every month. Late Fees of 50/- per month will be collected. If 12th falls on a holiday, then fees must be remitted on the previous working day. Fee should not be kept pending (with fine) for more than two months. If the fees are not paid on or before last day of the following month with fine, the defaulters name will be struck off from the roll resulting in

re-admission. The Details of fees are provided in the principal fee payment booklet.


1) Fees details will not be informed over telephone. Enquiry if any should be made through office in person. 

2) Parents are requested to produce / deposit the fees receipt book once in three month as on demand to the class - Teacher positively otherwise the students will not be permitted to appear for the exam.

About Us

St. Mary’s Charitable and Educational Society was formed and registered in the year 2003 under the Society’s Act 1860 with a view to provide quality education and encourage the students to develop skills and attitude that can equip them to face the competitive world with confidence. The Nursery School started in 1996 in the name of St. Mary which is now functioning in four places as one school - St Mary's School Rangat ,St Mary's School Mayabunder

St Mary's School Betapur, St Mary's School Diglipur.

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Copyright 2021 @All Rights Reserved St'mary's School Rangat , Developed  by Abhinav. B. NAIR

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