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St Mary's School - Objectives 

     St. Mary’s School at Rangat, Betapur, Mayabunder and Diglipur aim at the total development of the student’s in mental, physical, spiritual and community dimensions. St. Mary is the icon of hard work, dedication, sacrifice and quiet listening. It is our hope and commitment to instill in our students these qualities and make them useful citizens who will have the resolve and commitment to come up in life and do the nation proud. They are not to end up as average citizens but should be a creative loyal Indian Citizens. Everyone of us would like to be successful and happy with a dream of doing something great in life. The schools intend to spread this message across and request the co-operation of all in this regard. Our Education Institutions are willing to give free education by way of scholarship concession to the financially downtrodden in the society. This diary is to serve as liaison between the school and parents of our wards. Parents shall make sure that they go through this diary day by day and duly sign it as and when required. Any problem regarding their works may be brought to the notice if any physical defect, habit or attitude of this ward that needs special attention to the class teacher / Principal through this diary

About Us

St. Mary’s Charitable and Educational Society was formed and registered in the year 2003 under the Society’s Act 1860 with a view to provide quality education and encourage the students to develop skills and attitude that can equip them to face the competitive world with confidence. The Nursery School started in 1996 in the name of St. Mary which is now functioning in four places as one school - St Mary's School Rangat ,St Mary's School Mayabunder

St Mary's School Betapur, St Mary's School Diglipur.

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Copyright 2021 @All Rights Reserved St'mary's School Rangat , Developed  by Abhinav. B. NAIR

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